Saturday, March 14, 2020

Idioms and Expressions - Get

Idioms and Expressions - Get The following idioms and expressions use the verb get. Each idiom or expression has a definition and two example sentences to help understanding of these common idiomatic expressions with get. Once you have studied these expressions, test your knowledge with quiz testing idioms and expressions with get. Get someones drift Definition: understand what someone has said Do you get his drift?I dont get his drift. Does he think I should quit? Get a bang / kick out of someone or something Definition: enjoy someone or something greatly I really get a bang out of Tom!She got a kick out of the new video game. Get a life! Definition: Dont worry about such stupid, or petty things Come on. Get a life! Go out and have some fun.I wish Janet would get a life. Shes always complaining about nothing. Get a load off ones feet Definition: sit down, relax Come on get a load off your feet.Come over here and get a load off your feet. Get a load off ones mind Definition: stop worrying about something Im glad he got the job. Im sure hes got a load off his mind.That news gets a load off my mind. Get a load of someone or something Definition: take notice of someone or something Get a load of that boy over there!Get a load of this book. Its excellent! Get a toehold Definition: To begin a relationship with a person or company I got a toehold at Smiths and Sons.Hes trying to get a toehold with Jason. Get away! Definition: I dont believe you He didnt say that! Get away!No, get away! Thats cant be true. To get down on someone Definition: criticize someone Dont get so down on Janet.My boss is getting down on me. Get down to doing something Definition: begin to do something seriously Lets get down to business.I got down to doing the report yesterday afternoon. Get face Definition: be taken seriously Hes really beginning to get face in that company.I wish I could get face. To get in someones face Definition: to annoy or provoke someone Why dont you get in his face!Tim really got in the coachs face. To get in on the act Definition: become a part of something interesting I really wish I could get in on the act.Would you like to get in on the act at work? Get into something Definition: enjoy greatly Hes really getting into that new CD by Japlin.I got into the movie last night. Get it Definition: understand Do you get it?He got it and began having success. Get lost! Definition: go away Come on, get lost!I wish Tom would get lost. Get off on something Definition: enjoy greatly Hes really getting off on jazz these days.Do you get off on cult movies? Get ones act together Definition: become organized about something I wish Mary would get her act together.Yes, I got my act together and found a new job. Get ones lumps Definition: receive punishment She got her lumps for disobeying her parents.I shouldnt have done that. Now Im getting my lumps. Get ones nose out of joint Definition: become upset about something He got his nose out of joint about the new employee.Dont get your nose out of joint. Its not that bad! Get ones teeth into something Definition: do something with a lot of dedication Im getting my teeth into the new project at work.I think you are going to get your teeth into this book. Get on someones case Definition: to criticize someone about a problem Stop getting on my case about homework.My boss is getting on my case about the project. Get out of my face! Definition: stop bothering me Get out of my face! Im going to do it!She told him to get out of her face. Get real! Definition: start acting realistically Get real about her.Forget it. Get real. Get someones goat. Definition: bother someone Shes getting his goat recently.Tom is really getting my goat. Get some shut-eye Definition: go to sleep I need to go home and get some shut-eye.He looks like he needs to get some shut-eye. Get the goods on someone Definition: find out incriminating evidence against someone Janet got the goods on him and they are getting divorced.I cant wait to get the goods on Jack. Get the lead out! Definition: hurry up Come on! Get the load out!Lets get out of here. Get the lead out! Get the message / picture Definition: understand So do you get the picture?I dont think he gets the message. Get the nod Definition: be chosen Peter got the nod for the job.I think Mary should get the nod. Get to someone Definition: bother someone Tom is really getting to Mary.Motor scooter noise gets to me! Get with it Definition: hurry up Get with it. Were late.I wish Tom would get with it.